Creativity, Collaboration, Clothing, and Collective Action

Creativity, Collaboration, Clothing, and Collective Action

SideWalk Chalk has partnered with Ecodrive to go climate positive on every online order’s shipping emissions by planting 1 tree with every purchase! Trees are important assets in the fight against climate change because of their natural ability to capture and store carbon dioxide, while also providing a host of other ecological and socioeconomic benefits. SideWalk Chalk aims to build a community of big dreamers and one of those big dreams is a healthy planet and brighter future. 

Our new partner, Ecodrive, plants verified mangrove trees on protected land in Madagascar. Mangroves can capture and store more carbon than almost any other tree on the planet. Each tree can sequester about 680 pounds of carbon in its lifetime. A large portion of the carbon is stored in the soil and sediment under the tree’s roots which means the majority of it will stay there for centuries.

Mangroves also create habitat for hundreds of organisms, including 341 threatened species across the world. They protect shorelines from erosion and storm surges, keeping ecosystems and the people who live there safe. As mangroves take in water they filter out pollutants before releasing water vapor back into the air. When you place an order at our store you will receive the same high-quality products you’ve come to expect, with the added bonus of having a tree with amazing ecological benefits planted for you!

In addition to this initiative's positive environmental impact, it also alleviates poverty in the nearby community by employing local villagers to plant and manage the trees. For every 100 trees planted, one full work day is created for a villager in need. With this steady income, these workers can set aside savings, invest in their household, diversify their income through micro-enterprises, afford healthcare, and provide everyday needs for their families. We love that our customers will have the opportunity to stimulate a local economy, while healing the earth in the process. 

Our mission is to spark joy and connection through nostalgic streetwear one inner-child at a time. No matter if you grew up in a city, on a farm or in the suburbs, playing outside was probably a huge part of your childhood. It’s a place where you created friendships, connections, and memories that you still cherish. Unfortunately, climate change and pollution are making the outdoors a less pleasant place to be. But we, the big-kids and big dreamers, can act to make the outdoors healthy and safe for us, today’s children, and future generations. Our first action is planting trees for every order.

We look forward to discovering the positive impact we can make by planting trees with the help of our wonderful customers and our new friends at Ecodrive!   

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